Wednesday, September 17, 2008

People I remember

Each of us can remember our classmates, seniors and juniors - some of them were outstanding - in the play grounds, some academically. Do you have anything to share about special people that you knew at school?


savitrao said...

Hi. Ahana,

a pretty good effort & delivery.

Pl. add the already available lists of batch mates with their class in the excel sheet as you have done for 1980.

Also pl. add the names of the foll. teachers:
Mr. Subramanium, Social ( I think).
Mr. Varadan.

I had earlier sent one photo of the House system 1967, but the copy is faded or bears ink marks on the faces, Patnaik, Nazu, Thomas or Shankar Raman may have a better copy which may be put out on the site, together with some class photos already posted by a few of us.
Savit 69.

Ajay said...

One fine day 1st period(i,think)Yamas class,he started calling out names for attendance in his typical style,Almost the whole class except Ahna/Asha said present sir and jumped out of the window and ran to the ground. The Ball would be ready as PT sir knew we would be coming(we were quiete regular at this).Sir looks up after the attendance and the class is empty,furious he went is search of the principal O.P.Gupta. Ahana/Asha were on their feet and ran to the ground and informed us. The whole class was back inthe classroom when Yama came with princi. The look in his face was un believable. I still remember.

I could tell stories about our adventure with Sir and our class.

KVM Alumnus said...

Hi Everyone,

You will never ever have heard this story-Arvind Mathur) didnt know the answer to"Resonance" in the class physics test-Which Padi(Prasad Rao) had taught interpersed with jokes of the third kind.
Pijush always there to help,wrote out the answer for him on a clean full scape paper neatly!

Imagine then what happened when Padi produced Arvind's answer sheet the next day-neatly attached to Arvind's other papers was the single sheet of Paper which Pijush had written out in his own hand-that three liner on a whole sheet of blank paper .Arvind was too lazy to even copy it on his own answer sheet.

Arvind- actually was a very bright young man-who didnt think much of academics.Today,he is a successful Pilot and thinks there is too much emphasis on Academics.

He believes music,arts,leadership and the abilty to communicate need to inculcated in young people too.His daughter-the apple of his eye -he has brought up disregarding conventional wisdom-and today shes a successful young woman in Canada-wowing customers acroos the world.

Arvind-who never spoke up much-is an epitome of courage.Once when some goons came up to the 104 area to bash up Arun Kapila and the others -he stood up single handed and let the guys have it.Hes a family man and dotes on his wife Mona.

I know ,because Arvind and I met just two days back after about 40 years and believe me he has not changed physically since I last saw him.Eternal youth!I think Arvind has the answers.

Pijush Das

Pijush Das said...

I liked your post the-"the disappearing Class reappears".

Thats what makes this group tick.

What links us are those memories and the teachers.Yama,Princy,mathsie and Padi