Monday, October 20, 2008


Unshapen lumps of carbon were we,
ere we entered KVM;
Made into precious stones were we,
after we entered KVM.

Shaped and cut into diamonds were we,
after we entered KVM;
10 carats to 24 carats - but diamonds nevertheless,
after we entered KVM.

Some of the greatest craftsmen worked on us,
after we entered KVM;
molded and cuts us into perfect diamonds,
after we entered KVM.

Artisans like ASPRO, KRISHNA RAO(PTI), PRABHAMANI (to name a few) worked on us,
after we entered KVM;
made us better persons and better human beings,
after we entered KVM.

The gains we received - knowledge or character - were enormous,
after we entered KVM;
Everyone of us has been enriched,
after we entered KVM.

Whether we entered in the seventies or the eighties,
whenever we entered KVM;
we shall proudly call ourselves the KVMIGHTIES,
from the day we left KVM.



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