Wednesday, October 29, 2008

They Shape the World-These Icons are our Alumni

Rear Admiral Raman Prabhath(1970 batch)-While many of you have congratulated this young man(believe me he and his wife look like a very young couple) on assuming charge as Admiral of Naval Dockyard,many would perhaps not be aware that today Prabhath is a valuable asset to the nation for his pathbreaking work in Naval technology(I guess I will avoid mentioning the precise nature of his expertise).You probably have another Abdul Kalaam in the making.

Prof.Raghuram Ganesan(batch of 1971)-is the Indian Railways Chair Professor in the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.He has done pioneering work in Rail Transport and Infrastructure Management and is today one of the thinkers and brains behind the turn around of the Railways.Besides Raghu is involved in setting up numerous Management Schools in India,of which you will hear shortly.Ofcourse he is also part of the think tank in IIM Ahmedabad and would have been responsible for the turnaround of IIM A'Bad as well.!He attributes his passion for Mathematics to our own Mathsie who dazzled us with Magic squares and Moebius strips and the stories of Ramanujam..Let there be no doubt that he is one of the icons in our country.

Professor Krithivasan Ramamritham(batch of 1971)-is the Vijay and Sita Vashee Chair Professor at IIT Bombay and heads the Kanwal Rekhi School of IT at the Institute.He is the most cited computing researcher in India and has been honoured by both leading professional societies in computing: he was made Fellow of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers and Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.Krithi's work is also noteworthy for bridging the digital divide in India.He led a team which developed the aAqua project that gives farmers access to agricultural experts and to information on commodity prices and markets. He received the Manthan Award for contribution to Socio-Economic Development, for this work.

Prof.Sridhar Seshadri(1973)-was till recently the Toyota Professor of Operations Management and Inforamtion Systems in the Stern School of Business at New York University.Sridhar has done seminal work in the areas of Operations Research,Stochastic Modelling,Valuations in Incomplete Markets and Coordination in Supply Chains.Sridhar won the 2008 INFORMS MSOM Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Hedging Inventory Risk Through Market Instruments” and was chosen over 11 other nominated papers.
Sridhar's journey into academia was after his stint as a industry captain!

Prabhath,Raghuram have confirmed their participation for the Alumni Meet. Krithi says he will try his best and we are trying to get Sridhar too.Hopefully we will have them all.
Incidentally Prabhath is the Chairman of the KV Mighties Association!

Pijush Das

1 comment:

Unknown said...

BTW,there is community for KV Malkapuram on orkut that you should link into