Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Biz and Sanchayika habits

Does anyone remember our Crafts Master? He was another of those Paan chewing teachers of ours.....

We used to work under his guidance and set up the mike and speakers for the Daily Assembly...after which we used to move all the equipment ...Mike , stand, amplifier, cables etc etc back to the first floor.....usually the 11th class was incharge of that.

I remember one day in of our Crafts classes....we were running short of Dusters and someone mooted the idea to make Dusters out of the Broken Furniture ( Chairs and Tables) which were lying in I Flr. The Craft sir ( He was from Kanpur and used to refer to his being from Kanpur) agreed and within a couple of days an entire heap of Broken Chairs and Tables were made into dusters with the Green Felt being pasted.

We proudly gave one to each and every class, teacher and Class Captain..

After a few weeks the Audit Team came and Crafty had a tough time explaining / trying to convince the Audit Team that the entire lot of Broken Chairs and Tables were converted into Dusters!! I still dont know how he got away with it!!

jayachandran g k /1976 Batch


KVM Alumnus said...

Hello Mr. Jay,

I remember the Crafts teacher too. Kept chewing paan all day through. We used to make chalks and candles with the moulds.

We used to get paid for all this and our account with Sanchayika would be credited. Thats is where, I think we started to get the good habit of saving money. I still remember, I had about Rs. 68 when I left school in 1980(Class X).

Abhay Kumar Singh
Batch 1980(Class X)

KVM Alumnus said...

I remember the crafts Master, Though don’t recall this incident. But, nice anecdote.
Was his dept also the one where we used to make cakes? I remember I made Rs.56/- odd for baking cakes at the end of the year.
It was big maan!
ashok pande, class of 81

KVM Alumnus said...

the crafts sir was mr thakur

we owe it to him being able to fix up all the basic electrical gadgets at home & lighting up our decoratives whenever addl lighting needs to be done all around our house.
Pradeep Philipose, 12 Oct 2008